La Brocante upcycles used donated furniture and old household appliances to re-sell them as vintage items. At first, the donated furniture is given away through an NGO called arcenciel to displaced war veterans returning home to a city called Damour. arcenciel gives life to these furnitures by collaborating with artists, designers..
The new objects are sold and generate revenues for arcenciel’s social and environmental causes.
Kaleida stools are refurbished by Stephanie Richa and Andrea Terzian who illustrated the chronicles of a family, using collage as a way of storytelling. The illustrations portray a child, a teenage daughter, a mother and father.
Kaleida stools are refurbished by Stephanie Richa and Andrea Terzian who illustrated the chronicles of a family, using collage as a way of storytelling. The illustrations portray a child, a teenage daughter, a mother and father.